Letters to Your Kids – Professor Mom’s Free Book Challenge
October 28, 2009
I have a free book challenge for all you moms out there. The purpose of this challenge is to inspire you during a time of the year when we can all get a little overwhelmed.
First, read this absolutely terrific post at "Our Report Card." Cry, laugh, go hug your kiddos.
Then, let it inspire you to write your own letter to your kids. Post your letter on your blog and drop me the link in "Comments." (If you don't have a blog, email your letter to me.) Since we are all busy, I am going to keep this open until November 15th.
On November 16th, I will pick 3 of your posts. Those three writers will receive one of my favorite books on letter writing in the mail. Free. A gift from me to you in recognition of all you do for your children.
Let's let everyone know about this challenge! Announce it on your blog, email it to your friends. I am so excited to share the love, humor, and depth that are so essential in our relationships with our kids. What a beautiful way to do something that your kids will cherish forever! I plan on writing my own letter as well, although I won't be eligible for the free book;-)
If we get enough responses, I will also commit to putting them together into an ebook and sending it as a gift to all who have participated. It will be like a compilation of momma love.
Even if you don't want to participate in this challenge officially, I encourage you to write the letter anyway. I know from my own family experience that having (or not having) memoirs from your parents can make a big difference in the life of your children.
"Sir, more than kisses, letters mingle souls; for, thus friends absent speak." ~John Donne
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