My Weekly Homeschooling Plan

Out on the Well-Trained Mind forums the other day, the Hive was discussing daily schedules.  Being the planning-Nazi that I am, I relish looking over how people structure their days.  Sometimes, just skimming someone else’s post reminds me to add something to our schedule.  Likewise, reading about a different thought process helps me to eliminate

Quick Cookies for the Cooking Impaired

Some homeschoolers are culinary greats.  Others, not so much. If you are anything like me, the kitchen is not your best friend.  I admire people who can crank out 3 batches of 6 different kinds of cookies without knocking a hair out of place.   My friend, Erica, can do this.  She make batches of Christmas

Stop Procrastinating Today – A Simple 5-Step Process

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”  ~William James   Is that not so true?!   Procrastination has three major affects on homeschoolers.  It sucks your precious energy, lessens your credibility in front of friends and family, and is a bad example to your kids.   Motivation can seem

Why Lesson Planning is Important

I know there are some of you out there who aren't big on lesson planning and others who are addicted to it.  However, even if you aren't big on structure, you can still benefit from incorporating some consistent lesson planning techniques into your homeschool. Someone once said that 'failure to plan is planning to fail.' 

Become a Morning Person

The school year is underway and the holidays are just in front of us.  It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of our daily schedule, and it makes sense to begin at the beginning.  Morning.  For some, morning means waking up to the dawn from a refreshing night's sleep.  Ready for the day, you bound

Daily Planning: Creating Action Lists

Take the dog to the vet.  Plan the church picnic.  Babysit for Susan.  Buy school supplies.  Learn French.  And on and on… If you were to dump your brain onto paper, you could easily have a 10-page, single-spaced, to-do list (scary, but true.)  The reality is that we are tracking bundles of "stuff" for multiple

Life Tracking

How do you keep track of the big and small details of your life? Do you use a traditional to-do list, the post-it method, or maybe it's the "all in my head" philosophy? My four-pronged approach includes my Calendar, Forward Lists, Project List, and Action List.  These four documents sum up my "life tracking" system. 

Does Multi-Tasking Really Increase Productivity?

It is truly the era of the multi-tasker.  Multi-tasking is a bonified dictionary term now, and there are few moms out there who don't employ it's use (and survive because of it) in one way or another.  But, does multi-tasking really increase our productivity, or does it drain the quality from our most important efforts?

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