About Heather Shanks

A Note from the Professor... So nice to have you here! I hope you are finding just the encouragement and information you need for your homeschooling journey. Feel free to grab a cup of coffee and stay for a while. You can channel your inner Professor Mom by signing up for our free monthly newsletter full of homeschooling resources, request the RSS feed for your reader or by following me on Twitter and Facebook. Stay the course... Heather

The Secret to Teaching Honesty

I am going to tell you a secret today… a secret so profound and life-changing that I hesitate to post it to cyber-space.  If you take this secret to heart, you will see the entire world you live in differently.    A word of warning, though.  Be prepared to be a changed mom with changed kids, a

Quick Cookies for the Cooking Impaired

Some homeschoolers are culinary greats.  Others, not so much. If you are anything like me, the kitchen is not your best friend.  I admire people who can crank out 3 batches of 6 different kinds of cookies without knocking a hair out of place.   My friend, Erica, can do this.  She make batches of Christmas

Be the Best of Whatever You Are

I stumbled across a poem some time ago, and I love the imagery.  Granted, I am not a fisherman.  When I was young, I caught my share of teeny, tiny blue gills with my GrandpaJ, but that’s about it for my piscatory adventures.   I recently wrote an article on the Professor Mom® website with

Stop Procrastinating Today – A Simple 5-Step Process

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.”  ~William James   Is that not so true?!   Procrastination has three major affects on homeschoolers.  It sucks your precious energy, lessens your credibility in front of friends and family, and is a bad example to your kids.   Motivation can seem

Homeschooling with Chronic Illness

Anyone who suffers from a chronic illness knows that day-to-day living can be challenging.  Adding an intense activity like homeschooling seems like a recipe for disaster.  However, with the right planning, support, and expectations, you can homeschool your kids. Planning – Your capacity for activity has changed.  Now is the time to take inventory of what you

The Habit of Joy

One spiritual habit that has changed my journey is seeking the joy of the Lord.  That sounds a little nebulous, doesn't it?  Maybe a little too common sense?  Let me explain.   I grew up in a traditional, Protestant church – and for the record I still go to a traditional, Protestant church.  I saw theology, but

Be a Better You: The Five Minds of a Mom

 I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review that caught my eye.  (Yes, I subscribe to Harvard Business Review and probably will until my death… you can all stop laughing now:-)  The article is titled "The Five Minds of a Manager" by Jonathon Gosling and Henry Mintzberg.  By looking at the juxtaposition that the

The Old Scholhouse Magazine Holiday Digital Supplement is Here! – FREE

Our friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine have created a beautiful 175-page holiday magazine with lots of tips and templates for crafts and activities, articles on making Christmas this year a beautiful and peaceful experience for your family.  They share ideas for freezer meals to ease your workload during the busy holiday season, and for those especially ambitious, this resource

Why Lesson Planning is Important

I know there are some of you out there who aren't big on lesson planning and others who are addicted to it.  However, even if you aren't big on structure, you can still benefit from incorporating some consistent lesson planning techniques into your homeschool. Someone once said that 'failure to plan is planning to fail.' 

Letters to Your Kids – Professor Mom’s Free Book Challenge

I have a free book challenge for all you moms out there.  The purpose of this challenge is to inspire you during a time of the year when we can all get a little overwhelmed. First, read this absolutely terrific post at "Our Report Card."  Cry, laugh, go hug your kiddos.  Then, let it inspire you to write your

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