Hi ladies, Just a quick note. You may see some odd things happening around Professor Mom for the next week or two. I am working on some site updates that will not only make the site more functional and a little more lighthearted, but also to pretty things up a bit:-) (I think I am

My TOS article on math showed up on Crosswalk… http://bit.ly/d5z6SI

Teaching Bible in Your Homeschool

For many homeschooling families, Bible education is a double-edged sword. On one hand, parents desire to teach their children about Scripture: its wisdom, values, and revelation of the power of God.  On the other hand, I've noticed a hesitation, maybe even a fear associated with bringing children into the Word.  The other day, I was talking with a discouraged homeschooling mom.  She and

The Antidote for Childhood Laziness: Pupose Part 2

In The Antidote for Childhood Laziness: Purpose Part 1, we were challenging the assumption that kids cannot be expected to seek out meaningful purpose in their lives.  We came to the conclusion that purpose is what kids are already seeking, that they already have dreams and interests and the energy to pursue them.  As a

The Antidote for Childhood Laziness: Purpose Part 1

Michael is a sweet 9-year-old boy, pretty funny with average grades.  His mom and dad love him, but a growing concern has been nagging them for a few months now.  You see, Michael is lazy.  He would rather play tennis on the Wii than play tennis outdoors.  Chores are an arm-twisting scenario every day.  His interests

Teaching Writing: 5 Steps to Effective Revisions

Teaching writing can be daunting for homeschooling parents, especially if your own background in writing is a bit shaky.  How do you know what to focus on to help your child improve their writing skills?   Clear feedback is critical.  Teaching them how to review their own work is even more helpful.  Luckily, both activities use the

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