The Secret to Teaching Honesty
December 29, 2009
Quick Cookies for the Cooking Impaired
December 23, 2009
Some homeschoolers are culinary greats. Others, not so much. If you are anything like me, the kitchen is not your best friend. I admire people who can crank out 3 batches of 6 different kinds of cookies without knocking a hair out of place. My friend, Erica, can do this. She make batches of Christmas →
Be the Best of Whatever You Are
December 18, 2009
Stop Procrastinating Today – A Simple 5-Step Process
December 14, 2009
“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” ~William James Is that not so true?! Procrastination has three major affects on homeschoolers. It sucks your precious energy, lessens your credibility in front of friends and family, and is a bad example to your kids. Motivation can seem →
Homeschooling with Chronic Illness
December 4, 2009
Anyone who suffers from a chronic illness knows that day-to-day living can be challenging. Adding an intense activity like homeschooling seems like a recipe for disaster. However, with the right planning, support, and expectations, you can homeschool your kids. Planning – Your capacity for activity has changed. Now is the time to take inventory of what you →
The Habit of Joy
November 4, 2009
One spiritual habit that has changed my journey is seeking the joy of the Lord. That sounds a little nebulous, doesn't it? Maybe a little too common sense? Let me explain. I grew up in a traditional, Protestant church – and for the record I still go to a traditional, Protestant church. I saw theology, but →