Be a Better You: The Five Minds of a Mom

 I was reading an article in Harvard Business Review that caught my eye.  (Yes, I subscribe to Harvard Business Review and probably will until my death… you can all stop laughing now:-)  The article is titled "The Five Minds of a Manager" by Jonathon Gosling and Henry Mintzberg.  By looking at the juxtaposition that the

The Old Scholhouse Magazine Holiday Digital Supplement is Here! – FREE

Our friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine have created a beautiful 175-page holiday magazine with lots of tips and templates for crafts and activities, articles on making Christmas this year a beautiful and peaceful experience for your family.  They share ideas for freezer meals to ease your workload during the busy holiday season, and for those especially ambitious, this resource

Why Lesson Planning is Important

I know there are some of you out there who aren't big on lesson planning and others who are addicted to it.  However, even if you aren't big on structure, you can still benefit from incorporating some consistent lesson planning techniques into your homeschool. Someone once said that 'failure to plan is planning to fail.' 

Letters to Your Kids – Professor Mom’s Free Book Challenge

I have a free book challenge for all you moms out there.  The purpose of this challenge is to inspire you during a time of the year when we can all get a little overwhelmed. First, read this absolutely terrific post at "Our Report Card."  Cry, laugh, go hug your kiddos.  Then, let it inspire you to write your

FREE Music Education Research Report from Sonlight

Can music really make kids smarter?  The Foundation for Music Literacy says "yes!"  We have all heard how music lessons can increase SAT scores.  Music is full of patterns and associations that alter the brain's make-up with newer and stronger connections.  This report backs that up with quotes and figures from various research journals. It also includes a couple of pages of

Three Keys to Raising Leaders

In a time of cultural degeneration and societal turmoil, our responsibility to raise children who can lead, and lead rightly, is huge.  I don't think I need to tell this audience of the importance of teaching children integrity and intelligence, as well as what it means to live in a true republic.  The goal is

Become a Morning Person

The school year is underway and the holidays are just in front of us.  It's time to get down to the nitty-gritty of our daily schedule, and it makes sense to begin at the beginning.  Morning.  For some, morning means waking up to the dawn from a refreshing night's sleep.  Ready for the day, you bound

The Old Schoolhouse Summer Reading Splash

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, one of my favorites:-), is hosting a summer reading program with Splish the frog.  Click on the graphic to go directly to Splish's blog.  There, you can get the details of the program as well as take a peek at the reading lists of kids and their moms. Now for our

Why is Homeschooling Growing, Anyway?

A January 4th article on USAToday's website discussed the growth of homeschooling in America as understood by the Department of Education.  I spent some time reading through the comments at the bottom of the article.  As always, the comments broke out into 2 camps, for homeschooling and against homeschooling.  Two pieces of this discussion stuck out

Books or the Screen? New Research On Reading

Modern technology has a definite place in education.  Research, communication and even writing and editing tools open the world up for young academics.  However, new research into digital media and its use in education suggests that real books are still a better choice for reading and comprehension.  Anne Mangen, an associate professor at the Center for Reading Research at the

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