Heart of the Matter meme
February 22, 2008
This week, Heart of the Matter‘s meme topic is "Favorite Homeschooling Product". I have a current homeschooling product that I love, my kids love, even the cat is enamored with:-) Hands of a Child produces terrific lapbook "unit study"-type packages. Lapbook Project Packs come in a multitude of subjects… everything from the typical holiday subjects to a lapbook dedicated to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. (Our family is going in April. Being in Wisconsin, we don’t have far to go!)
The Lapbook Project Packs are packed with information, books to read, sites to visit, even CD recommendations for music that fits the theme. My boys worked on the Story of Ping lapbook and are now keeping them in their rooms so they can explore the Yangtze River in China. The graphics are great, they are very well-organized and easy to pull together. What a blessing for someone who is "craft challenged" (that would be me). These ladies are homeschooling moms and they have done all the work for you.
Most of the Project Packs are available in either the hard copy or eBook (downloadable immediately). Definitely worthwhile if you aren’t one of the lucky souls who can create stunning craft projects out of some leftover string and some old pipe cleaners. Enjoy!
February 22, 2008
Hi, My name is Daisy and I’m a lapbook drop out. LOL. I love the way they look but I just cannot seem to get my children interested. I try to incorporate some of the ideas into notebooking though. Thanks for sharing.
February 22, 2008
I love, love, LOVE lapbook’s! HOAC is my all time favorite company as well.
I love that everything is there for me with adorable graphics and great booklets.
Thanks for sharing you favorite homeschool item.
February 22, 2008
thanks for sharing!
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