The Old Schoolhouse Summer Reading Splash
June 3, 2009
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, one of my favorites:-), is hosting a summer reading program with Splish the frog. Click on the graphic to go directly to Splish's blog. There, you can get the details of the program as well as take a peek at the reading lists of kids and their moms.
Now for our reading list for the summer, lots of exciting reading on ancient times, some great, clean fiction, and books on everything reptilian (the latter interest was added yesterday after a garter snake sighting in our backyard!)
Here we go!
- The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson (the REAL version with its rich language and pondering of immortality)
- Pinocchio by Carlos Collodi (another non-watered down version with many lessons on what being a person of good character means, this original goes far beyond the "don't tell a lie or your nose will grow" lesson that we associate with this story)
- Stonewall by Jean Fritz
- The Odyssey by Geraldine McCraughrean
- Abel's Island by William Steig (cute story about a mouse)
- The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson
- Exodus by Brain Wildsmith (this author is great at giving life to history and the illustrations in his books are usually quite good)
- Joseph by Brian Wildsmith
- Punctuation Takes a Vacation by Robin Pulver
- Egyptian Diary: The Journal of Nakht by Richard Platt
- The Dragon of Lonely Island by Rebecca Rupp
- The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
- Sword Song by Rosemary Sutcliff
- Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (these books still touch me)
- Mystery of the Roman Ransom by Henry Winterfield (this is the sequel to Detectives in Togas, another great story. These are set in roman times and do a good job of bringing the reader into the everyday life of ancient Romans.)
- The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit
- The 5,000 Year-Old Puzzle by Claudia Logan
- Pirate Island Adventure by Peggy Parish
- The Bremen Town Band by Brian Wildsmith
- Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by Robin Pulver
- Floss by Kim Lewis
- Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories by Dr. Suess
- Anacondas by Valerie Weber
- Garter Snakes by Doug Weschler
- Snakes of the World by Manuel Areste (this is a 'grown-up' book, but the graphics are well-done, so I thought I would throw this is. I'll be reading this to the boys.)
There you have it… Happy Reading!
Robin Pulver
June 3, 2009
I’m really happy to see a couple of my books here.(Punctuation Takes a Vacation and Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day. Thank you!Your mention of seeing a garter snake in your yard makes me want to promote a story I had published in SPIDER Magazine recently (July/August 2008), called Gran Fran’s Garter. I hope and think that you’d find it enjoyable and pertinent!
Heather Shanks
June 4, 2009
My son, Cole, just said he remembers that article in his Spider subscription!
Your books are very cute as well. I especially like the tongue twisters at the end of Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day. Have a terrific day!
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