Homeschool Curriculum Planning for 2012-2013 Made Easy with iPad
March 27, 2012
It’s almost time for the Great Midwest Homeschool Convention in Cincinnati, and I am busy making plans. Two years ago, I attended this mammoth homeschooling convention for the first time and loved it. So, this year, I am packing up some of my best girls and heading south again. So much to do, so little →
Creating Family Time: Part Two
January 26, 2012
Last time, we discussed the importance of creating a meaningful family life. I talk to alot of different people about their family struggles. What touches me about these conversations is that most people want to be wise parents who teach their children to love what is good and right. They know that they want a →
Creating Family Time: Introduction
January 17, 2012
Family. Really, really important. Bedrock of society. Foundation of the culture. Cornerstone of the future. Have I mentioned really, really important? Over the last century, the place of family in society has shifted from that of bedrock (or foundation or cornerstone) to something nice to have, kind of like dessert after a meal. That's a →